ATTENTION TIGERS: Boise Entrepreneur Week is kicking off a Youth Innovation Challenge for high school students across Idaho! This is an opportunity for Mountain Home Students to team up and propose solutions for real-world problems that face Idaho’s future. Awards include a $3,000 scholarship for higher education. The deadline is November 19, 2021.

Step 1: Organize into groups of 2 or 3 members.
Step 2: View all of the problem videos on this webpage.
Step 3: Select a problem video your team would like to solve. Teams are only eligible to pick ONE problem video for consideration.
Step 4: Research and develop an understanding of the problem (estimate 3-5 hours).
Step 5: Brainstorm and whiteboard a solution.
Step 6: Develop a presentation that clearly articulates your research and solution. All team members must be included in the presentation to be eligible for prizes.
Step 7: Record a 8- to 12-minute video of your presentation.
Step 8: Submit your video using Google Forms, below.

College and High School students will be judged in separate categories and prizes will be awarded as follows:
(1) High School team will be awarded $3,000 per team for future scholarship to higher education.
(1) Winning high school will be awarded $1,000
(1) College team will receive a $3,000 cash prize.

Click here to learn more!