The Friends of the Mountain Home Public Library will be having a Book Sale on Friday, October 1st, 2021 at the Mountain Home Public Library (790 N. 10th E.). Sale hours will be 11 am to 6 pm Friday. They have around 25 boxes of donated books many of them are Young Adult books. Book prices will be $1 for hardbacks, 50 cents for paperbacks, and 25 cents for [...]
The Chamber of Commerce hosts a monthly Breakfast Connection Meeting. This event focuses on specific topics while allowing Chamber Members to network and work through certain industry topics. Speaker: Troy & Linda Larsen, Engage First Inc. Topic: This 3-part series will consist of client relations, personal development, and customer service (October-December). Chamber Member Event – If you are a non-member please contact the Chamber Office to participate.
This monthly Committee Meeting is designed to discuss projects and encourage growth for the travel industry in Elmore County. Chamber Member Meeting – If you are a non-member please contact the Chamber Office to participate.
The Chamber of Commerce hosts a monthly luncheon. The event highlights key speakers and topics important to Elmore County Business owners while allowing Chamber Members a networking opportunity. Speaker: TBD Topic: TBD Location: El Herradaro Chamber Member Event – If you are a non-member please contact the Chamber Office to participate. Lunch order is optional and typically ranges from $10-$15.
This Committee meets monthly to discuss opportunities to collaborate with educational institutions and better our workforce across Elmore County. Chamber Member Event – If you are a non-member please contact the Chamber Office to participate
Troy and Linda Larsen, Engage First, Inc. are introducing FranklinCovey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People course. Single course training - two sessions - are taking place on Oct 27 and Oct 28th at Pioneer Federal Credit Union, 250 N. 3rd St. Click here for more information or to register:
Let's Chat is an in-person networking event presented by the Idaho Women's Business Center and the IWBC Latinas Network, with a mission to empower women to support other women by creating valuable relationships. You can register for lunch or bring your own. The event will take place from 11:30am-1:00pm on November 3rd at the Pioneer Federal Credit Union - Community Room (250 W 3rd St. Mountain Home, ID 83647). [...]